Yes I am still noodling on this (sue me!). And yes I know science disproves this notion six ways from Sunday. But I don’t trust the great theories of our era. I’m a fool, you say? Well if you’re just now realizing that then maybe YOU’RE the fool!
While reading the BoM today w the fam, my son suggested that the deadly serpents ancient Israel had to deal with were some type of dragon creature. I then noticed that Nephi describes them as having the ability to fly:
In the Silmarillion we read of the darkening of Valinor, when Melkor and Ungoliant teamed up to destroy the Two Trees. However, the result was more than just the turning off of Heavenly Light, but replacing it with a primeval Unlight or void.
I said in my last post I wouldn’t give much thought to this idea but I can’t help it. For one, some of my kids think it’s a cool idea. For another, I am a sucker for rabbit holes.
I’ve been considering whether to put the interstellar reading of the BoM in a box for now. It’s a really fun theory that in some ways solves a lot of issues w the BoM geography, but it also presents a whole new set of problems like how do we place the Nephite and Jaredite journeys to the promised land as occurring in space? I decided to take the issue up with ChatGPT and I was actually impressed with the ideas it came up with.
Today WJT posted about a waking vision he had of making it to a library after seeing the Holy Family in a cave. It reminded me of 3 library dreams I have had. One of them I reported recently in the post about traversing the Underworld with Red. I have no idea if the 3 dreams are connected in any way to each other or WJT’s experience but I’ll post them anyway, for fun if nothing else. Here’s the second dream:
I think I may have finally found a reading of 2 Nephi 27 that checks off all the boxes and perhaps satisfies the dream I had where I was to understand that chapter’s significance in order to unlock other information. Time will tell, I suppose, but for now I am feeling pretty good about this post. I am open to being shown wrong, of course, so don’t hold back in the comments if you see issues with my analysis.
I’ve been sitting on this post for a couple months now but I think it’s time to post it. Part of what spurred the decision was playing the name game a la Bill Wright. I am terrible at this game but this one was so simple even I could follow along.
For a few years now I’ve thought that Laman and Lemuel were twins. The reason is because they seem to always speak of themselves as a single unit. For example, the claim is not that Laman should lead the family instead of Nephi, it’s instead that the two of them should do it and specifically because they are the eldest:
Bill has written recently about Pat Sajak and the Wheel of Fortune. That jogged my memory about something I wrote way back in 2020 when I was “channeling” (or whatever you want to call it) stories not unlike Daymon Smith’s tales. The style of writing was a lot like the 3 books that Daymon penned. Meaning, pretty difficult to understand. Written in English, but not really accessible without serious effort.