Today WJT posted about a waking vision he had of making it to a library after seeing the Holy Family in a cave. It reminded me of 3 library dreams I have had. One of them I reported recently in the post about traversing the Underworld with Red. I have no idea if the 3 dreams are connected in any way to each other or WJT’s experience but I’ll post them anyway, for fun if nothing else. Here’s the second dream:
I dreamed I was in a vast library of ancient books with a group and a guide. The guide was a woman spirit and slightly terrifying, a “spirit of the air” I guessed so I knew I should probably listen to her but I was also really curious about the books. She warned us not to touch the books because they belonged to the Tolkien estate and weren’t meant for our reading. Most books were covered in some kind of ornate protective carpeting overlay so we couldn’t even see them. The library was going to close soon and somehow I was left behind or lagged behind while the group continued on.
I was looking for knowledge but didn’t know where to look. Suddenly some books to my right began glowing in a dark area of the library so I approached them and saw the Tolkien elvish rune glowing in bright fire blue on a handful of covers. I opened one of them to a random page and saw a picture of snow-capped mountains, one of which was golden tinged. The thought came to touch the peak on the page and focus on it. As I bent my mind to it with all my strength suddenly the image took shape gradually until I was suddenly seeing it as if it was real and I was flying through the air of this majestic and magical mountain range.
I came flying to the golden peak and managed to stop my flight so I could see it in greater detail. I was filled with huge amounts of joy and excitement because I was so glad that I was finally seeing “for real” and that I had some level of control over what I saw. The experience was more vivid than life itself, incredibly clear and I had a hard time processing all the physical senses I was getting. The book or someone wanted to take me elsewhere but it gave in to my wish to stare at this beautiful and strange looking peak that was apparently filled with gold which is what gave it the tinge. Then I sensed nearby laughter from some beings watching me bc they said I was fixating on some random peak filled with gold and it was one of the smallest of their world, kinda like “yes you’re in control but you’re wasting an opportunity”.
Once I sensed that I released my lock on the little peak and was suddenly back in the library of glowing books. I ran to another one nearby and opened it. Someone told me time passed differently here, that I had been at the peak longer than I thought, and the guide was about to return to get me so I quickly found a new page and touched it with my finger as before. This time I was taken to an ancient town. The image was far less vivid, probably because of me trying to hurry and not focusing as hard on what I was seeing as much as gaining some kind of knowledge. This town seemed to be maybe a mountain outpost of some nearby city?
Suddenly, I saw a small dragon invade the town, about the size of an exceptionally large dog. The inhabitants of the town fled in terror save one, a woman who instead ran toward the dragon taking someone’s water bucket as her only defense. I remember hearing her say to someone who was fleeing “give me that bucket of water!” as she ran toward the dragon. The dragon didn’t back down but was wary of the woman. She was able to control the water similar to a water bender would in the Avatar series. Each time the dragon tried to throw its flame she would use the water as a weapon to drive it deep into its throat to quench the flame.
It was a long and brutal battle between the two and I didn’t get to see the end since the guide was returning but I did learn that the woman eventually was forced to sacrifice herself. In order to save her people she had to drive the water with such force and depth that she had no choice but to extend her arm within the open jaws of the dragon and in its death throe it bit down, exposing her to lethal poison. And thus her sacrifice was complete. I was pulled back from this scene and removed from the library itself and woke up.
I remember feeling pretty emotional about the woman the next day. I could see her face clearly when she alone stood against the fire drake, steely determination etched on every line and crease. The woman was earthy, gritty, and my goodness, so brave! Nothing would stop her from standing her ground to defend her people, not even imminent death. I am sure if I had more time I could have extracted much more from this vision, perhaps enough to report a complete tale around her existence, but the guide pulled me out and sent me away. Since the books I looked through belonged to the Tolkien estate I wonder if her tale is told in the Red Book.
Here’s the third dream sequence:
I dreamed I was visiting a small underground library/museum with several mummies or statues of people who had been forced to convert to some religion but were then killed anyway. I asked why their conversion didn’t save their lives but no one knew. I saw the library/museum was part of some larger mining operation. I met someone that led me to a group sitting at a table.
The table had strangers (to me) who were also getting words like I was. One of them said she (I was actually confused about her gender a little b/c she was bald, but I thought she was a young woman/teen girl) had words to share. The first word was “six” but she didn’t tell us the other words. I put my palm out on the table as if I had something to give her and she put hers out as if to receive it (or maybe trade?) but I actually had nothing for her so I wasn’t sure what to do next.
But then one of the others at the table told her to “shave like you have never shaved before”. She laughingly sat in a chair while others put cream on her smooth face and then they shaved her (or at least pretended to) while she laughed. No one knew this ahead of time but now she told us the rest of her words were “to shave”, so “six to shave”. I looked at the clock right as she was finished being shaved and it was exactly 6:00. I asked if the timing was usually so precise and she said yes every time. It made me think our spiritual friends must really have a detailed plan to save this world like they said.
At some point after waking I concluded the young girl was actually a stone of some kind and not a young woman but I don’t know if that’s correct.
Bill, who has recently deleted his public and private blogs and gone completely AWOL (with no explanation I might add!), had a dream once where he saw this:
“Beware of that one!” [said during a scene where a dark figure, alien-like, like something from the Dark Crystal or something, is caught red-handed stealing stuff from my refrigerator]
“When I dream, I dream about books!”
He attributes the statement of dreaming about books to the alien-like character stealing from his fridge. Back in 2020 when he had the dream he told me he didn’t necessarily think the figure was a bad guy and that the people telling him to beware were laughing, as if it was a joke or perhaps that the attempt at theft was so bad as to be laughable. But at other times Bill thought it was a bad guy maybe. Regardless, it was only 2 days later that I had the first dream shared above about seeing the mountain and dragon. I didn’t make the connection but he did right away and said:
“I remembered the words from one of the speakers a couple nights ago when they exclaimed ‘When I dream, I dream about books!’. Wonder if there is any connection with your dream… you were literally dreaming about books.”
I don’t know if we talked much more about that connection back then or not but nothing comes to mind. I can’t say I like the idea of being portrayed as an alien engaged in theft, laughably or not. But more recently Bill connected WJT’s waking vision of the cave library with that alien dude and had decided it represents him. Hey, no complaints from me! Bill has decided that “beware” is more like “pay attention to” rather than a warning and that it’s not negative. The alien dude is still not a bad guy. Regardless, I am duty bound to disclose my own library dreams just so I don’t leave WJT twisting in the wind if in fact he’s not that guy.
We could assume Bill was either wrong on one occasion or wrong on both in attaching either of us to Mr Alien. I’m assuming for now that he was actually correct on both occasions and merely misunderstood that sometimes two count as one. I don’t have a solution to the mystery of how one or both of us have stolen from Bill’s fridge, but I do note that in my first dream above, I was brazenly getting tales from books that belonged to someone else. Not stealing the books themselves! Just “stealing” information from them.
In WJT’s dream he entered the library with permission (same as me) and got some information about a book as well. Had he been more brazen, perhaps he could have opened it before the Bulls could stop him and wouldn’t be left wondering how a book could be cherubim. But maybe WJT is a more polite library guest than I am.
It calls to mind for me the two lions in a library that WJT has also blogged about. One lion reads politely, behaving as a good library patron should. Although I will say even that lion is laying on a bunch of scattered books, which isn’t what I would call your very best behavior. Still, he’s better than the other lion who chews on a book while presumably listening to the other lion read. It’s very poor form to eat other people’s books and maps pretty well to taking something from a fridge. You would typically eat something you steal from a fridge. And I also suspect some would find it humorous and not necessarily bad (depending on the circumstances) to eat someone else’s book.
In NYC, a pair of lions occasionally are known to read outside the library. Maybe outside because inside they aren’t great guests.
Anyway, between WJT and me maybe that makes two lions in a library? There was, after all, a Scottish king known as William the Lion so apparently Leos aren’t the only lions lazily lounging around. Or maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree altogether. I’m terribly at sync analysis. Have I mentioned that before?
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